India’s world’s youngest working population is expected to welcome millions of people into its workforce by the year 2023. Looking at the current situation of youth, we know that if we want to make the future of India bright in terms of its economy then there is a need for major upskilling in India.
Its already 2020, and as we look at the world today, the support that India is getting from all the big nations will be helping India to become one of the superpower nation itself. There is not much time left to gear up and get ready to face the world with brighter minds. A booming economy is indicated with high paid jobs, which depends on the availability of a workforce that is skilled enough to do the job, and the further depends upon learning opportunities and environment that will enhance the knowledge of an individual. As COVID is pressing up new challenges in employability, we need to really power up the process of upskilling to save individuals from graving unemployment.
Government of India also launched Skill India Mission on 15 July, five years ago. The main focus of this mission was to enhance the knowledge of youth, to make them ready for the future. Youth should be aware of the importance of skills. This initiative was well spread across the country to offer the best benefits of it to every person from the urban areas to rural areas. The government launched several programs to help the same cause as Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras (PMKK), in partnership with private training partners (PTP). Over 20 ministries ran more than 70 upskilling schemes which had little or no coordination, as the mission aimed at training 4 crore people by 2022, still it trained over 2.5 crore individuals just in first 3 years. We can say that this mission is well accomplished by the government so far.
The major reason behind this upskilling in India is to help individuals gain career enhancement opportunities. In India, most of the people generally stay in a state of wishful thinking when it comes to upskilling or learning something new that could possibly help them gain a lot in the future. Factors like hectic work schedules, high priced course and lack of clarity obstruct the aspirants to start their very own journey of upskilling and complete it. Individuals have responsibilities to fulfil and somewhere they get stuck in the thought of ‘Do I really need to learn that new skill? Or How will a get time for this?’ the answer to all these questions is very simple. Just do it, do whatever it takes you to bring out the best in you. However, things have changed in the last decade. Today if you are really keen to give your career a boast, nobody can stop you from doing that you just need to have the passion to learn something for your future. Stop doubting yourself and start believing that you can do it!
Why Skilling is Important in Post COVID World?
The post COVID scenario is bringing tough challenges for employability. As companies are facing huge losses, they definitely aim to employ a workforce that is capable of adapting to the learning needs as per the environment. While many businesses are pivoting to sustainable models, the employees learning curve needs to be quite adequate so that they can learn new skills and adapt themselves as per the conditions. Now is the time when we need to see more hands-on approach towards learning rather than just depending upon complex theoretical studies.