We all are digital beings and digital detox sometimes looks quite absurd to us in the 21st century. We all know how the Digital Lifestyle has been a boon to us. It makes us more organized, helps to stay connected, saves a lot of time and so much more! But is that it? It is a great advantage but at the same time, it acts as an opportunity cost.
- Do you pick up your phone for no reason and start scrolling?
- Are you the one who cannot survive for 10 minutes without your phones?
- Do you get anxious when you have not posted or used your social media accounts?
- Do you use social media when you feel down?
Well then it is time that you start thinking about digital detox, it’s time for you to take a break out of your mobile screen. As easy as it seems to go on a digital detox, we all face difficulties with keeping our phones aside and focus, and even this could be the toughest challenge for us.
Using digital platforms has made it difficult for us to concentrate, sleep, live stress-free, or even feel self-assured. Gone are the days when people used books to study, used an actual clock for alarms, or talked to each other face to face. We have picked up the habit of constantly checking our phones and scrolling down to see what people are doing in their lives. But we often forget that people choose and post what they want other people to see, they will not post their failures. We feel we are falling behind and start comparing ourselves which makes it harder to accept us.
We often hear to not use our phones when we wake up or before going to bed, this is because it creates a direct impact on us. When we go to sleep after using technology it makes it difficult for us to fall asleep and also you wake up more tired the next day.
If you are thinking to go on a digital detox, here are a few tips that can help you get started.
- Start by taking small steps you cannot quit your habits in a matter of a click.
- Limit your screen time: There are many applications that can help you with this one. Start by reducing the time you use the screen.
- Switch off the notifications: Trust me, this works wonders. Notifications urge you to open up the apps and keep a check on them regularly. Switch ’em off and see the difference
- Leave your phone at home: If you are going out for a walk or some small work try not to bring the phone with you.
- Sleep with aeroplane mode: You don’t want to see notifications as the first thing in the morning. Put your phone on aeroplane mode and have a stress free morning.
Advantages of being on a digital detox:
- You become more productive and it helps you to stay more focussed.
- Sleeping habits will improve
- You will feel happier and less stressed
- Become More positive about yourself
- Get a chance to Discover yourself more
- Start Believing more in a personal connection.
It’s difficult to be off the screen for a very long time since today most of it is done there. But it is equally important to do digital detox once a few months and find time with yourself. It’s not always like leaving the digital devices completely, but limiting yourself or disciplining yourself to enjoy more elements of your life.