Ever faced a situation when your frustration level was at peak and someone told you to have patience? Your teacher or may be your parents. Here comes the question: What is patience? Nobody really told you that!
It’s no rocket science here, patience is just staying calm or not getting angry when things are not going in your way. It’s just a way of controlling yourself over extremes in life. This self-control is not something you can achieve in a day, it takes practice and consistent efforts. It is not easy to deal with your own emotions and thoughts, but that is what we have to do when we talk about being patient. Having a slow network connection, not waiting for a heavy website to load and switching to another website in no time. All this is lack of patience, I agree that these things are tiny and we mostly don’t notice them within ourselves but ask the surrounding people, or even ask yourself. Do you have any friend who keeps on changing the TV channel when the advertisement comes? Or a friend who never listens to a complete song and switches to another? Yes you must have noticed all this.
When you are playing any video game, it’s that point when you are not crossing over to another level, you feel irritate and you just stop playing that game. That is where you’re not showing patience.
Decoding Patience
But why to do all this? Like, what is the need of being patient in life and in all these small moments. Well there are several reasons or needs to be patient in life. Patience can bring a positive influence over your life and can help you achieve all forms of success at different stages of life.
- Gaining Clarity- When you remove the rush from your life, start listening to people in your life and examine situation with patients. You gain clarity and you find better solution to a situation.
- Healthy Relationships- The skill of patients is not only important in your life but also when it comes to your personal relationships like friends, family, life partner, colleagues and other people in your life. There is a long list of situations when you can act in a rush and hurt your loved once. In order to avoid that, just be patient.
- Inner Peace — Patience helps you in avoiding stress, as it’s all about being calm. Removing all the unnecessary frustration in your life can lead you to a happier and peaceful life.
- Opening doors to success — Taking the right decisions after thinking about and analyzing all the alternatives brings positives results and success to one’s life. This comes with patience, as an impatient person won’t be able to get invested in the process on analysing alternatives.
Life can be wonderful, don’t just believe in destiny as something’s are always in your own hands.