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Ecology: The Power of Nature


“To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles.”

                                                                                                     -Mary Davis

Spending time in nature can help you in so many ways?

Do you know how spending time in nature can help you in so many ways? It can cure depression, stress, anxiety and physical health issues too. Living closer to nature also extends our lives.

We are so busy spending time on social media, playing indoor games and even working out has become an indoor thing for most of us. Think about it, how the concept of yoga was started, it was not only to be physically fit but also for the mental well-being and connecting with nature. It’s also proven that people who spend their time in nature are happier, stress-free, efficient and the list is truly endless.


Japanese researchers have discovered that something special and clinically therapeutic happens when people spend time in nature. Even 30 minutes of walk can help lower stress hormones. Nature helps fight cancer, heart diseases, lower blood pressure and connect to our higher self/ god / universe ( whatever you name it), it helps you control your anger and also leads to having an effective mind. You can actually start by spending time in nature constantly for a week and see how it helps you in elevating your energy levels, boosting up your mood and keeping you in the present moment always.


Hugging a tree increases levels of hormone oxytocin which is responsible for making you feel calm. Well, I know it does sound really funny but try it once it will make you feel happier. Trees are a source of energy on many levels. And, do you know that scientists have recently discovered that trees respond to the ways  you touch them? Ask a plant lover and they’ll tell you how they have been healed by a plant.


Working out in nature helps you provide the best results. It’s not at all hard rather it’s fun to work out in the nature. Studies have also shown that physical activity  outdoors  lowers a person’s blood pressure and heart rate. It also helps feel less stressful which pushes you to do more. You can actually go back to the time when people didn’t have any equipments or even the gyms, they still managed to perform physical activities and the depression rate was much lower.


Yes, you can have the perks of nature by sitting at home by simply having plants inside your home. It helps in boosting up your mood, creativity, productivity, provides you oxygen, makes you happier and so much more. It also makes your home look beautiful. Keeping plants inside your home is one of the best things you can do to provide you with the peaceful life that you dream of.

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