Story Live Refreshed 2.0: Events, Local Happenings, Motivation & More.


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Witty Wednesday Jaipur – April 24

It is a comedy show at Jaipur Comedy Club. Look forward for this exciting Wednesday show.

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Hues By the Cross Over – 12 & 13 April

The Hues By the Cross Over will Happen at Diggi Palace on 12 & 13 April

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Dalgona, TikTok & More: Trends During COVID-19

Life was good, we were going out, having fun. When suddenly Coronavirus came and our life started revolving around it. From the news channels to social media, everyone was talking about it. Amid this situation, these trends showed the creative side of people under lockdown.

Get Out Of Comfort-Zone: Move ahead for a better change

We can never stay in our comfort zone all the time, isn’t it? We all have to step out from our comfort level not only for ourselves but also for our successful career. We get stuck in the same habits, routines, skills and behaviour. We need to change them for our…

Fashion Trends : Adopting To New Fad In The Covid World

“FASHIONS FADE, STYLE IS ETERNAL” – Yves Saint Laurent What better example than a pandemic to prove the above statement? No matter what comes in the way, fashion lovers will always dress up their way just for the sake of ‘dressing up&#8217…

Editor's Picks

Food & CultureexcitedLifestylerelaxedTrends

Waves of Coffee Trends: From Nescafe to Micro Roasters

We all have witnessed the evolution of coffee in our lives, from instant coffee packets to CCD and then Starbucks the waves of coffee trends made us fall for the best quality caffeine rush that is handpicked as per our taste and style. Do you remember when we used to stir…